Lone peak hot shots
Lone peak hot shots

lone peak hot shots

Vicki, we cannot thank you enough for all your love and support through this past year. Through the healing power of prayer and the miraculous work of his surgeon and physical therapists, he was able to come back this season at 100% and return to the fire line. Casey sustained several fractures to his pelvis and had to be life-flighted. My husband, Casey, was injured when he was riding passenger in a heavy fire engine and the truck rolled 3/4 of a turn.

  • August 14, 2006, will forever be a date etched in my heart.
  • Morgan Jacobsen Range Tech, BLM Eastern Montana-Dakotas District May we always carry an added measure of dedication in our hearts toward all worthy causes as we remember the ultimate price they paid. It is written as tribute to the 19 hotshots and to those who mourn their loss. It is not an official record, and it is subject to the confines of memory and personal interpretation.

    lone peak hot shots

    This essay is one firefighter’s attempt to creatively describe his thoughts and sentiments of what he observed as a result of this tragedy. Much has been spoken of the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots who lost their lives on Jon the Yarnell Hill Fire.For whatever questions my parents have, or whatever they have needed, you are always there, and I thank you for that. You have never judged, you have just been there. When you lose someone close to you, you already have a million questions of grief in your mind, the last thing you want is other people questioning the loss, or its worth. Your support and guidance has been appreciated more than you will ever know. Through this entire ordeal, YOU are the one person who my parents have felt was on our side always keeping my brothers honor and our families best interest in mind. As you know, our family is still struggling with this. Losing someone is hard enough, but having to justify the legitimacy of the situation and defend him to an agency he lost his life for, is absolutely horrifying. I know that you have spent a great deal of time over the past several years providing support to my parents and helping them through the unfortunate politics of my brothers situation. Thank you for all that you do for the families who are suffering a tragic loss, thank you for putting your heart into an organization that supports all of these families, and thank you for all of the help you have given to my family. Your support has made all the difference in the world! Emily G. My recovery is coming along very quickly, and after I get the stitches removed tomorrow, I hope to be released by the doctor and put back to work! Thank you once again for all of your help. Knowing that there are people like you out there allows us to all sleep better at night. I can never express how wonderful it was to wake up in the hospital to hear that my mom was on the way and to have her by my side through the whole ordeal. My name is Emily and I recently had an accident involving a chainsaw on the fireline.We are simply the funnel of the wildland community to the families of firefighters who are seriously injured or are killed in the line of duty. We do not receive government money – we are here because hundreds of you choose to support each other. This Foundation is supported by individuals. Joining the 52 Club is your “Power of One” opportunity. Become a lifetime member today and help continue to build the 52 Club legacy! We’ll even arrange for you to have a certain membership number on the list if you want (although, some of the numbers are already taken). I know, many of you are shaking your heads saying “no way will I make it 34 years!” Well, we’ve decided that many of you can make it 25 years (if you limit the shenanigans!), so we’re offering “lifetime” memberships at 25 years – that’s $1,300. As the story goes with John, in 2005, he donated 34 year’s worth of “back” memberships.

    lone peak hot shots

    When some of you came across John Fidler’s name (listed as a Lifetime Member) on the membership list a few years ago, you started asking “how can I become a lifetime member?” Well, we here at the Foundation sat and talked about that for a bit, trying to figure out a way to give folks this opportunity. We know many of you would like to count that contribution as a 52 Club membership, however, by the time your donation reaches us, it is anonymous and we don’t know who you are! Please get us a copy of your CFC receipt and we’ll be sure you are added to the 52 Club list and receive your items.

    lone peak hot shots

    For those of you who donate to the Foundation through the Combined Federal Campaign and United Way, thank you! We appreciate your support.

    Lone peak hot shots