Square developed a reputation for richly detailed design with titles like the Super Nintendo Entertainment System’s Chrono Trigger. A string of critical and commercial successes on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, including Final Fantasy IV (1991), The Secret of Mana (1993), Final Fantasy VI (1994), and Chrono Trigger (1995) prompted the studio to grow still more ambitious at the dawn of the fifth home console generation. The Nintendo Entertainment System’s Final Fantasy (1987/1990) sold over 700,000 copies in North America alone, establishing a foothold for Square to become the foremost name in RPGs during the following decade.

Square had transformed from a comparatively niche Japanese developer of visual novels and Japanese role-playing games (JRPG) during the 1980s into an international juggernaut through the localization of its Final Fantasyintellectual property (IP). By 1997, even video game development studio Square was eyeing up a possible adaptation of the novel. It also proved highly influential, impacting a generation of Japanese horror filmmakers during the late 1990s. Sena’s commercially successful book was soon adapted into manga and film. How could a book with that cover not be a bestseller? Source: Wikipedia Research assistant Toshiaki Nagashima sacrifices himself to advert this catastrophe, but Eve persists in her mitochondrial form. Its plot concerns the rise of Eve, an ancient being whose consciousness is dispersed among the world’s mitochondria, attempting to attain an independent physical form by subtly manipulating a group of scientists. The science-fiction story was inspired by his work testing mitochondrial drug reactions in a lab environment, though a television documentary served as the direct catalyst to begin writing. Hideaki Sena was working toward his doctorate at Japan’s Tohoku University when he published his first novel, Parasite Eve, in 1995. Stop Skeletons from Fighting – Parasite Eve Trilogy Review & Retrospective.The Sphere Hunter – Parasite Eve 2: A Disappointing Sequel | Survival Horror History.The Sphere Hunter – Parasite Eve: The Cinematic RPG | Survival Horror History.Though reliable information in English on Parasite Eve remain a bit scarce, I referred to the following videos quite a bit for an overview:

Where two dates are presented, the first indicates a Japanese release and the second indicates a North American release unless otherwise noted.

Please consider supporting that website, as its volunteers tirelessly catalog key information and art assets for an often ephemeral medium. Cover art, unless otherwise noted, is from MobyGames. This week we’ll be absorbing the DNA of Parasite Eve. Welcome back to Franchise Festival, where we explore and discuss noteworthy video game series from the last four decades.